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About Chapter Director Jan Lutz

An ongoing journey of volunteer service has combined with professional development as Jan Lutz serves the nonprofit community as a volunteer and paid consultant.

The founding Director of the Indiana Chapter of National Children’s Alliance, Jan is responsible for facilitating the development, growth and sustainability of CACs in Indiana. Jan became involved with CACs through Junior League, a women’s leadership organization, and helped develop two CACs through her volunteer service. A current sustaining member, she served on the Association of Junior Leagues International Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.

Jan is a member of the MRCAC Advisory Board, the Governor’s appointed Children’s Justice ACT Taskforce and is Vice President on the Board of Directors of ChildFirst™ Indiana. She serves on Indiana’s statewide SART team – Sexual Assault Response Team, the Indiana Emergency Nurses Association Project Committee and Victim Assistance Training Project Steering Committee.

Jan facilitated the Accreditation Standards Revision Project Zoom meetings for NCA, facilitating countless (40+) Zoom calls with subject matter experts for each of the 13 standards.

Additionally, Jan is a private consultant for Chapters, CACs, Junior Leagues and nonprofits around the country. She is the Vice President of her county’s Historical Society and President of her high school’s Alumni Association.

The Chapter’s Vision

Indiana Chapter of National Children’s Alliance ensures that every child in Indiana alleged to be a victim of abuse might benefit from a multidisciplinary team approach to investigations in a safe, child-focused environment within a reasonable traveling distance. The purpose of the Chapter is to add value to the Children’s Advocacy Centers in Indiana as they work towards meeting their collective missions.

The Chapter’s Mission

The purpose of the Indiana Chapter is to promote the development, growth and continuation of children’s advocacy centers in the State of Indiana through education and training, mentoring, collaboration, advocacy, development of resources, and legislation.

Additional resources on child abuse statistics in Indiana

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