Here’s what child abuse is doing to children in Indiana

Abuse awareness starts by understanding the scope of the problem

In Indiana, most numbers have not changed significantly year-to-year, and because of lagging indicators from county-level organizations, only data from 2019 or 2020—before the pandemic—is the latest available.

Small child sitting on a bed looking out a bright window curtain
Young girl holding a paper cutout of a family

Indiana’s abuse rate is 2x higher than the national average

Indiana CACs will see about 10,000 kids this year—and counting

Each year, about 10,000 kids come to an Indiana CAC for a forensic interview, representing about half of all known maltreatment cases. CACs provide additional services, including Victim Advocacy, referrals to medical and mental health providers, and more to every family in need.

You can find your local CAC and support them this April and every month through donations and supplies.

A map of Indiana with color-coded counties corresponding to caseloads of CACs located in those counties.
Statewide CAC caseload by Center/County in 2021.

Report child abuse at

Everyone in Indiana is a mandated reporter of abuse.

Call the Indiana child abuse hotline at 1-800-800-5556 or 911 in an emergency to report a suspicion of child abuse, neglect, sexual assault, or maltreatment.

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