How YouTube and social media algorithms drive people to child pornography
How does a dull video of children dancing become a semi-viral hit? The algorithms powering YouTube know who to target.
How does a dull video of children dancing become a semi-viral hit? The algorithms powering YouTube know who to target.
Now, cybersecurity is expanding beyond into social engineering, ad tracking, and more. These internet safety tips can help you keep your online activities safe.
Gov. Eric Holcomb reported yesterday that every school in Indiana is shut down and utilizing either spring break days, e-learning days, or getting waivers for time off amid the COVID-19 spread. With over 1 million kids at home, an immense amount of time is likely spent connected to a screen. That may be more than … Read more
There are parental controls, software options, a whole YouTube Kids settings experience, and a host of environmental changes parents can do. We’ll discuss those in this story, but the best advice we have for parents is talking to your kids.